Year 5 writing overview
The grid below is an overview of the writing units in Year 5. Each unit is driven by an engaging, vocabulary-rich book (or a school trip!) that inspires a wealth of writing opportunities. Some of these books have strong thematic links to other areas of our curriculum (for example Science, History and Geography). If you would like to see how writing units are mapped across the whole school, please read our 'Whole School Writing Overview' which is available HERE. If you would like to find our more about our writing curriculum, please follow the link to our 'contacts' page and get in touch.
Poetry: Amulet (1 week) Stimulus: ‘Amulet’ by Ted Hughes Purpose and Audience: write a new poem in the style of ‘Amulet’ using the poetic pattern Key knowledge and skills:
Poetry: The Kraken (1 week) Stimulus: ‘The Kraken’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson Purpose and Audience: Write a poem that is rich in imagery Key knowledge and skills:
Poetry: Last night I saw the city breathing (1 week) Stimulus: ‘Last night I saw… ’ by Andrew Fusek-Peters Purpose and Audience: write a poem about your local area to be displayed in your local area Key knowledge and skills:
Non-Fiction: Information page (4 weeks) Stimulus: ‘Explore! Romans’ by Jane Bingham Purpose and Audience: create an information page about Viking life – make your page inviting for KS2 Key knowledge and skills:
Fiction: Diary (3 weeks) Stimulus: ‘The Kraken’ by Gary Crew and Marc McBride Purpose and Audience: Write diary entries from the point of view of characters from the book. Key knowledge and skills:
Non-Fiction: Information booklet (3 weeks) Stimulus: ‘Population and Settlement’ (Athens extract) by Izzi Howell Purpose and Audience: create a promotional booklet to attract people into your newly designed future city Key knowledge and skills: • plan work by noting initial ideas and research where necessary
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Fiction: Legend - Beowulf (3 weeks) Stimulus: ‘Beowulf’ by by A. Horowitz Purpose and Audience: write a legend and present it in role as Viking storytellers. Key knowledge and skills:
Non-Fiction: How are forces used in everyday life? (4 weeks) Stimulus: Powerful Forces by Jon Richards Purpose and Audience: Pick a force (thrust, drag) and create a presentation for a year 4 audience explaining how we use it Key knowledge and skills:
Non-Fiction: Letters to Greta (3 weeks) Stimulus: ‘No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference’ by Greta Thunberg Purpose and Audience: write an open letter to Greta (to be published online) that persuades others to join in and make a difference Key knowledge and skills:
Poetry: Civil War on the Moon (1 week) Stimulus: ‘Civil War on the Moon’ by Ted Hughes Purpose and Audience: write a new poem in the style of Ted Hughes and contribute to a class collection Key knowledge and skills:
Poetry: What I love about school (1 week) Stimulus: ‘What I love about school’ by Roger McGough Purpose and Audience: through poetry, tell the class a hobby that you simultaneously love and hate Key knowledge and skills:
Poetry: The Highwayman (2 weeks) Stimulus: ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes Purpose and Audience: rewrite the poem from a different narrative perspective (Bess) for a modern audience Key knowledge and skills:
Fiction: Suspense - Object in the Woods (3 weeks) Stimulus: Extract from ‘Sick Building’ by Paul Magrs and ‘A fire in the forest’ by W. W. E. Ross (poem) Purpose and Audience: Write a first person narrative journey ending in the discovery of an alien object. Key knowledge and skills:
Fiction: Traditional Tale – a warning story (3 weeks) Stimulus: ‘The Asrai’ by Pat Thomas Purpose and Audience: Write a traditional ‘warning’ story that would excite a Year 6 audience. Publish on a blog and receive feedback from older children. Key knowledge and skills:
Fiction: The Highwayman (3 weeks) Stimulus: ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes Purpose and Audience: write a newspaper report using information from a poem Key knowledge and skills:
What writing knowledge and skills do we learn about in Year 5?
Sentence Construction
Develop clauses and phrases
Children should orally (through speaking) develop they quality and complexity of clauses and phrases.
For example:
They could elaborate an adverbial starter
Beyond the cave, Zach saw the creature stir.
Beyond the gloomy silence of the dank cave, Zach saw the creature stir.
Sentence Variation
Children need to be using a variety of different types of sentences in their writing.
These can include:
- questions
- exclamations
- imperatives
- sentences of 3
- 'ed-ing-ly' at the front, in the middle and at the end of a sentence
- short
- long
- drop in phrases and clauses
Active and Passive (also in Year 6)
Children should:
- understand and use the active and passive accurately. They may want to find and record examples.
- convert sentences
Max broke the window.
The window was broken by Max.
- Investigate how and when to use the passive in more formal, depersonalised settings. This may be used when:
Making announcements which provide information --- It has been decided that...
To ceate general rather than particular impact --- It is widely agreed that...
Modal verbs
Modal verbs can be used to express possibility, speculation and conditionality. Modal verbs enable us to suppose, imagine, predict, warn, suggest, prohibit, oblige etc. These can include: may might, should, could, would, perhaps, surely, possibly etc.
If I were invisible, imagine the mischief I could create.
He could come with us, so long as he doesn't rock the boat.
Unless you train hard, you may never finish the marathon.
Consolidate on:
- capital letters
- full stops
- question marks
- exclamation marks
- apostrophes
- colons
- commas for lists
- other uses of commas
Direct Speech
Direct speech should be used with increasing complexity and accuracy.
When using speech there are some important things that you need to remember.
- Speech marks are used to separate direct speech from the rest of the text. Speech marks can also be used here.
"He's very clever," she boasted.
- Speech verbs need to be used after the direct speech. These explain how something was said.
"Let me go!" screamed Mary.
- New line for a new speaker. When writing direct speech you must start a new line every time a new person is speaking.
"Where is she?" questioned Simon.
"That's for me to know and you to find out," teased the stranger.
Dashes can be used to show interruption in thought
Semi Colon
Semi colons can be used in stead of a comma to create a stronger sub devision.
Ir's raining; I'm fed up.
They can also be used to make a detailed and complicated list easier to read.
At the circus we saw a clown juggling with swords and daggers; a lion who stood on a ball; a fire eater with flashing eyes; and an eight year old acrobat.
Word Structure and Language
Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
Use a range of prepositions and prepositional phrases indicating:
- time: meanwhile, the following day, just as they were, at the start of, prior to etc.
- position: parallel to, adjacent to, vertically, horizontally etc.
- direction: towards the fence, away in the distance, around the edge etc.
Adjectival Phrases
Use a rage of adjectival phrases and consider the effect on their position in the sentence.
The inky eyed sloth lumbered into view.
The sloth lumbered, inky eyed into view.
Children should expand their repertoire of verbs. this can be done through finding:
- synonyms for common verbs : go - leave, depart, exit etc...
- specific or unusual verbs : veering, imploding, befriend, discombobulating etc...
- verbs formed from nouns and adjectives : elbowing, purpled etc...
- verbs with the same prefix : misspent, misrepresent, mistake etc...
- verbs with the same root : export, report, import etc...
- expanded 'ing' clauses as openers : Grinning manically...
Consolidate on:
- well chosen adjectives and adverbs to enhance meaning and create effects
- 'name it' (poodle not dog)
- use powerful verbs
- varieties of speech verbs
- making sure each word earns its place, avoiding 'over-writing'
- creating new combinations, avoiding clichés
National Curriculum Terminology
- relatice clause
- modal verb
- relative pronoun
- parenthesis
- dash
- bracket
- determiner
- cohesion
- ambiguity
Text Structure
Orally retell stories
Children should orally retell stories and non-fiction texts with lively expression. They should also innovate known stories, adding and altering to suit their style. This could be done by changing the sequence of events or change a main element of the story.
The links between paragraphs should be clearly signposted in order to direct the reader. The relevant links can be included when doing the 'boxing up' activity.
Sentence Openers
Sentence openers should be varied to make sure that writing is interesting and varied. To do this different types of openers can be used:
- 'ed-ing-ly'
- connectives
- prepositions
- similes
Topic Sentences
Use topic sentences to expand the focus of paragraphs. They are used to open a paragraph or section of writing, signalling a shift of subject which is developed through the rest of the paragraph.
use a wide range of connectives for:
- addition: also, furthermore, moreover
- opposition: however, never the less, on the other hand
- reinforcing: besides, anyway, after all
- explaining: for example, in other words, that is to say
- listing: firstly, first of all, finally
- indicating result: therefore, thus, in order to, consequently
- indicating time: just then, meanwhile
Connectives in different parts of a sentence
Children should be experimenting with using connectives in different parts of a sentence.
Eventually, the rain stopped.
The rain stopped eventually.
The rain eventually stopped.
The Reader
When writing children should think about the reader and what effect their writing may have on them. This may effect their use of vocabulary, punctuation and other literary techniques.
Language Effects
Figurative Language
Use figurative language to create a variety of effects. These devices can help:
- alliteration
- onomatopoeia
- similes
- metaphore
- personification
Use playful writing to invent metaphors (writing about something as though it were something else).
Happiness is a walk in the sun.
The school concert was a circus.
He was a leaf blowing in the breeze.
Engaging the Reader
Use techniques to entertain and engage the reader.
- recap
- repetition of a 'catchphrase'
- humour
- hyperbole to exaggerate
- questions to make the reader think
- exclamations and fragments for emphasis (run!)
- empty words to make the reader wonder (something moved)
Persuasive Devices
Children should collect and invent a variety of persuasive devices.
- persuasive words and phrases
It wouldn't be difficult...
- persuasive definitions
No one but a complete idiot...
The real truth is...
- rhetorical questions
Are we expected to...?
Where will future audiences come from?
- pondering, condescension, concession
Naturally it take time for local residents...
- deliberate ambiguities
Probably the the world.
Known to cure all...
- jokey or sarcastic similes and metaphors telling the time from a sundial in the rain! much as a chocolate teapot.