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School Performance Data Summer 2019 (no new data has been published for 2020, 2021 or 2022)

Please note that no primary test or assessment data has been published for 2020, 2021 or 2022. You can view the 2019 data however this data may no longer reflect a school's current performance.

Here is our 2019 school data. This table includes the percentage of Year 6 pupils achieving the expected standard or above in their end of Key Stage 2 teacher assessments and tests in 2019. You can also find Carlton Hill Primary School on the governement's 'compare school performance' webpage here: https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/school/114381/carlton-hill-primary-school

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Interpreting a school’s progress scores

    A guide for parents

  • What does 'working at the expected standard' mean?

    In England, every child in Year 2 and 6 takes compulsory national curriculum tests (commonly called SATs). The tests are not qualifications and don’t affect your child’s future options in school. The results are an opportunity to compare pupils nationally to ensure schools are helping pupils to master the basics in English and mathematics, and making progress. They are also a tool to help teachers identify pupils who may need additional support, and make sure this is put in place as early as possible. 

    Children that can demonstrate an understanding of the objectives that are set out in the National Curriculum for their year group are said to be 'meeting the expected standard'.

  • What is working at greater depth?

    Children who are working at greater depth can apply their learning to new situations in creative ways.

    In the past, children who were learning at a very fast pace may have moved onto working on content from the next year group, working with bigger numbers or reading a more challenging text. Whilst this is sometimes still the case, teachers are now being encouraged to change this approach. Now, pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through rich and sophisticated problems rather than moving onto the learning in the next year group.

    If this sounds a little confusing - don't worry! These ideas are very new and our teaching team is currently working hard to find out how this approach will work at our school.

  • What is teacher assessment?

    At Carlton Hill Primary School, teachers use many different methods to assess learning. From the carefully thought out questions in our lesson plans, to the conversations and interactions we have with children in class, and through our thorough approach to marking books, we are continuously building a picture of who needs support and who needs more challenge.

    Please see our 'Teaching and Learning Policy' for a more comprehensive guide.

  • What is SPAG?

    That's a much easier question! It stands for spelling and grammar. Both of these areas are given high importance in the National Curriculum.

  • What are combined results?

    This is the percentage of children working at expected standard in reading, writing and maths.

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