You can see our current School council photos on the board by the school office.
School Council
Our School Council enables the children here at Carlton Hill to have a say in the running of their own school. In this way, our children have a greater sense of belonging, become more confident when putting forward ideas and develop a greater understanding of the need to work co-operatively for the good of others.
Our school council is made up of two representatives from Y2 to Y6. These members have to give election speeches to their class before voting takes place each October and February. This helps children to understand how a democratic system works.
The elected members then represent the views of their classes at school council meetings, which are held every three weeks.
We make an action plan in the Autumn term,which is based on the areas pupils said could be improved on our annual pupil surveys. We decide which things we could change and think about who could help us make these changes. We also make sure we gather pupilvoice over the year about key things like Golden Time and After School Clubs.
Minutes are taken at each meeting and shared with the wholeschool community and actions clearly outlined.
Each class has a School council time in class so that other children can tell us about other areas they would like us to work on improving.
After each meeting we have time to talk through the minutes of the meeting with our classes. We also organise events like the talent show and take assembly sometimes.
Below are some of the things we have worked on over the last year in the School Council meetings.

What will we be doing this year?
This year we will be working on some areas from our pupil questionnaires that the children said need improving . These inlcuded:
- continuing to work on improved the lunch hall (noise and food waste)
- revising the Behaviour Handbook and collecting pupil voice about behaviour in our school
- Collecting ideas on OPAL playground equipment and use of different areas of the playground
- Finding out more about the schooltrips organised for each year group
As well as any areas we plan to improve over the year, we will be making sure that Golden time clubs change regularly and include the ideas from pupils, running some assemblies and taking part in fund raising over the year.