Year 1 Curriculum
Please take a look at our Year 1 half-termly overviews (below) to see a snapshot of what children are learning in each curriculum area. If you would like to see our 'Whole School Curriculum Overview', click here. If you would like more information about our curriculum or require a paper copy, get in touch via our contacts page.
Autumn 1
Place value (within 10)
How many ways can you draw 3?
What number comes before 8?
Addition and subtraction (within 10)
How many were there at the start?
How many more were added?
What is the total?
We are safe online
Music - Introducing Beat
How can we make friends when we sing together?
Ball Skills
Poetry: ‘Happy Poem’ by James Carter
Create a new verse for the poem.
Fiction: ‘The Three Little Pigs’
In groups, write a cumulative tale.
Non-fiction: ‘Making a Windproof House for the Three Little Pigs’ by Sue Gagliardi
Write clear sequential instructions.
Design and Technology
Building houses out of different materials.
Painting: Portrait pictures (Picasso inspired)
New beginings - building our class community
Mental Health & wellBeing- Big Feelings
Why is belonging to the church family important to some Christians?
History focus: are grandma’s toys more fun than ours?
Key questions for history
What was on /Mum/Dad/Grandma and Grandad’s birthday list?
How do we know about toys in the past?
What can we use to find out about toys in the past?
Would there have been a Toys R Us around when Grandad was a boy/Grandma was a girl?
What would your Christmas be like without batteries?
Would you choose your toys before your grandparents’ toys?
How do you know something is old?
How can we describe old and new toys?
What is the same and what is different about old and new toys?
How can we show what we have learnt about toys in the past?
What has changed since my grandparents were young?
Is the Wii more fun than Grandma and Grandad’s old toys?
Autumn 2
Continue addition and subtraction
How many more do I need to make ten?
What does compare mean?
Geometry (shape):
What makes a shape 3-D?
What is the name of this 3-D shape?
Welcome to the computer suite! Learn important basic skills for using the school computers.
Growing friendship skills & Anti-bullying week
Keeping Healthy & Safe-Medicines
Why is the idea of light so improtant at Chirstmas?
Poetry: ‘Winter Morning’ by Ogden Nash
Write an acrostic poem using description.
Fiction: ‘The Naughty Bus’ by Jan Oke
Write a sequel to a story.
Non-fiction: ‘Toys’ information text
Make toy information booklets.
Art and Design (DT)
Drawing: Seasonal card making
Whole School Seasonal DT project
Rugby Fundamentals
Ball Games
Music - Adding Rhythm & Pitch
How Does Music Tell Stories about the Past?
Seasons - Materials
Which materials should the Three Little Pigs have used to build their houses?
Sorting and classifying materials. Using everyday materials.
Can you describe materials using your senses?
Can you explain what material objects are made from?
Can you explain why a material might be useful for a specific job?
Can you sort materials into groups?
Can you explain how solid shapes can be changed by squashing, bending twisting or stretching?
Can you explain what happens to certain materials when they are heated, eg bread, ice, chocolate?
Geography Focus
Where do I live?
Where is the UK?
What are names and locations of the four countries of the UK?
Where is the the UK and what are the names of the seas that surround it?
What is a map?
What do plans and maps show us?
How can we use them to give directions?
Spring 1
Addition and subtraction (within 20)
What strategy could you use to make sure you find all the number bonds to 20?
How does knowing your number bonds to 10 help you to work out your number bonds to 20?
Place value (within 50)
How many groups of 10 can we see in the number ____?
Which practical equipment is best for showing groups of 10?
Going for Goals
Gender & Toys
Why is the Torah important to Jewish people?
Music - Introducing Tempo & Dynamics
How does music make the world a better place?
Poetry: ‘I Like’ by Moira Andrew
Perform poem and use new vocabulary in sentences.
Fiction: ‘Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister
Change the characters and setting of a story
Non-fiction: recount of a class trip
Naming Body Parts - Catergorising Animals
We are painters - make pictures for an e-book using simple art tools
Collage: Rainbow Fish
Why are humans like tigers?
Can you point out some of the differences and similarities between different animals?
Can you sort photographs of living and non-living things?
Can you classify common animals? (fish, reptile, bird, amphibians, invertebrates)
Can you talk about how an animal suited to its environment?
Can you name the parts of the human body that you can see?
Can you name the main parts of animal’s body? (beak, wing, paw, tail, claw)
Can you classify animals by what you eat? (herbivore, carnivore, omnivore)
Can you compare the bodies of different animals?
Can you sort animals by what covers their body? (scales, fur, skin, feathers)
Can you sort animals into those that are wild and domestic?
Spring 2
Which person is taller/shorter?
Which pencil is shorter/longer?
What could you use to measure how tall you are? Is it easier to measure someone lying down or standing up?
What could you use to measure the length of your bedroom?
Why is it important to measure in a straight line?
Good to be Me; celbrating similairites and differences
Gypsy Roma Traveller education
Friends and family & Easter
Why do Christians follow Jesus?
Poetry: ‘Ning Nang Nong’ by Spike Milligan
Perform poem and write own nonsense poem following pattern.
Fiction: ‘Beegu’ by A. Deacon
Write a goodbye letter to Beegu.
Non-fiction: 'Big Blue Whale' by Nicola Davies
Write a report on a creature seen at the Sealife Centre.

Art and Design (DT)
Each year we have a whole school art project at this time of year.
Whole School Book Week project
We are treasure hunters - write instructions for programmable robots
Football Fundamentals
Fairytale Dance
Music - Combining Pulse, Rhythm and Pitch
How does music help us to understand our neighbours?
Summer 1
Multiplication and division
How can we count the pairs?
What does it mean to count in pairs?
Can we use tens frames to help us count in 2s?
Can you see any patterns when you count in 2s?
How many parts have I split my object into?
How can you show a half of something?
How do you know if a shape is split into halves?
How many halves make a whole?
Relationships- managing our feelings
Feeling Good Feeling Safe- protective behaviours
What do the parables teach us?
We are collectors - collect and sort images of animals and plants
Our Place - Our City by the Sea
Key questions for geography focus:
Can you name the seven continents?Which continent do we live in?Can you name the 5 oceans of the world?
Where is the United Kingdom?What are the 4 countries of the United Kingdom?What are the capital cities of the 4 countries in the United Kingdom?
What are the human and physical features of the 4 countries of the United Kingdom?
What are the national symbols of the 4 countries in the UK?
Which country do we live in?
Can you find Brighton on a map?
Can we name and recognise some geographical physical and human features in the aerial photos?
What does my journey to school look like?
Can you draw your route to school?
Can you follow a route on a map?
Can you add a key to your map
How will we get to different places on the map?
Music - Having Fun with Improvisation
What songs can we sing to help us through the day?
Poetry: Various Food Poems including the 'Slurpy Spaghetti' chapter in The Puffin Book of ‘Fantastic First Poems’
Create food poetry.
Fiction: ‘Bog Baby’ by Jeanne Willis
Create your own Bog Baby story.
Non-fiction: How to look after a plant or tadpole (links back to earlier learning about how to look after a ‘Bog Baby’).
Use gained knowledge to look after a plant or animal.
Music - Having Fun with Improvisation
What Songs Can We Sing To Help Us Through The Day?
Outdoor Adventure Activities
Printing: Objects in nature
Summer 2
Place value (within 100)
Which number is the biggest/smallest? How do you know?
When ordering, which digit should you think about first?
Money and time
How have you organised the coins?
What is the value of each coin? How do you know?
How many 1 pence coins will you need to make 2 p? 5 p? 10p? 20 p? 50 p? 1 pound?
How many 1 pound coins will you need to make 2 pounds?
Which activities do you do before school?
Which activities do you do after school?
What do you do in the morning?
What do you do in the afternoon?
What do you do in the evening?
History Focus - Grace Darling
What did Grace Darling do that made her famous …and why is she remembered today so long afterwards?
Why did Grace do what she did?
Are all versions of Grace’s story the same?
How do we know about Grace’s actions which happened so long ago?
How did sea rescue improve after her heroic act?
How should we remember Grace Darling today 170 years after she died?
Poetry - rhyming poems: ‘Summer Days’ by Anne English and ‘Summer Song’ by J. Ciardi
Write your own summer themed poem using rhyme.
Fiction: ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ (traditional)
Change the ending to a story.
Non-fiction: Letters
Write letters to Jack and to your new teacher.
What grows in our garden?
Identifying plants around us.
What trees are these?
What makes a plant a plant?
Music - Explore Sound and Create a Story
How does music teach us about looking after our planet?
Changes- moving on and managing changes
Relationships & Sex education -Celebrating Different Families
What do the parables teach us?
Welcome to coding - an introduction to Scratch
Music - Explore Sound and Create a Story
How Does Music Teach Us About Looking After Our Planet?