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Personal Social Health Education helps pupils to have happier, healthier, and safer lives, now and in the future.


PSHE  at Carlton Hill

Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.

( Secretary of State Foreword, Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education, statutory guidance, DfE, 2019)

This is why Relationships and Health Education has been made compulsory in all primary schools in England. In our school, this part of the curriculum will be delivered through Personal Social and Health education lessons.

At Carlton Hill, we believe that children need regular opportunities and a safe environment to learn about and to practise the skills needed for understanding themselves, their bodies and their emotions, their relationships with others and their connection to their school, local community and the wider world.

We want every pupil to leave Carlton Hill, with self-knowledge, and the ability to get on with others from a range of backgrounds and cultures. We hope they will have the confidence to be able to recognise and safely challenge prejudice or bullying behaviour when they see it.

PSHE can help pupils be ready for each stage of their lives and to grow the skills they need to navigate this complex 21st century world. 

How is our PSHE curriculum organised? 

The PSHE curriculum at Carlton Hill is a carefully planned, age appropriate, spiral curriculum, based on the Curriculum map and resources provided by B&H PSHE team .

PSHE is organised into three core themes;

  • Health &well-being
  • Relationships
  • Living in the wider world

These core themes are explored through a range of short half termly topics, revisited within each key stage. Most PSHE topics including, Feeling Good Feeling Safe, Relationships, Keeping Healthy & Safe and Global Citizenship, will be in taught in every year group. As the pupils revisit these topics with a different focus each year, they are able to build on previous learning, develop their understanding and have further opportunities to practice key skills, for example on resolving arguments or asking for help, in a safe learning environment.

PSHE is taught weekly throughout the school year, and related whole school assemblies are planned to introduce and develop the learning in class.Each topic is carefully planned and delivered in 4-6 lessons over a half term. Key vocabulary is introduced and explored, and much of the learning is through discussion, whole class and group activities.

To see more detailed information about how the PSHE curriculum is organised, please see the PSHE Curriculum Map below..

What is the impact of our PSHE curriculum?

We assess the impact of our PSHE curriculum in four simple ways.

Observation in class and the wider school

Teacher observation of classroom relationships and behaviour,  as well as the monitoring of these in the wider school, provides a good picture of how successful this teaching and learning has been. We are a school that prides ourselves on the quality of our relationships, and this emphasis on the skills of relationships informs all we do. We hope to see the outcomes of this PSHE learning in the classrooms, corridors and the playground of our school.

End of Topic Assessment tasks

There are key assessment tasks planned into the sequences of learning for topics over the year. 

Pupil self-assessment

From Y1 upwards, pupils have a reflective Journal which is used to record their key learning in PSHE. This books move up the school with pupils who are able to reflect back and see their own development.

Pupil voice

All of our subject leaders are given time to listen to pupils from across the school and discuss their given subjects. Pupil feedback  is noted and feeds into planning for future years, as well as helping us to guage pupil progress.

What are the inspirations for our PSHE curriculum?

Our curriculum is informed by the DfE Statutory Guidance for Relationships & Health Education 2019, and the PSHE Association Programme of Study 2020. Brighton & Hove PSHE team provide high quality teaching resources which are used widely across the local authority schools. Our PSHE coordinator is a PSHE lead teacher, who is able to access the most recent national resources as well as working closely with all the PSHE coordinators in the city.

What do our pupils have to say about PSHE ?

“PSHE is a very important subject for your life”

“PSHE lessons help us to stay safe”

“It is important to learn about my  body and how it changes so I feel prepared for things.”

“Learning about friendships changing and ending helps me to know how to make new friends and deal with problems.”

“Drugs & Alcohol Education help us to stay safe- it we didn’t know about it , we might do the wrong thing.”

“It’s good to leant about mental health and wellbeing with your class because then if someone is struggling you would know how to help.”

Look at the gallery to see some of our PSHE work. CLICK HERE

To find out more about how the PSHE curriculum helps us meet our 'Prevent Duty' CLICK HERE.


PSHE, including RSHE Curriculum Map for Carlton Hill Primary School

This curriculum map is based on the DfE statutory guidance for Primary  Relationships and Health Education and the PSHE Association Programme of Study and supports schools to meet the duties in the Equality 2010 on promoting equality and challenging prejudice.

All learning outcomes references for the PSHE topics are from the PSHE Association Programme of Study, which is organised into 3 core themes:

Core Theme 1: Health and wellbeing (H)

Core Theme 2: Relationships (R)

Core Theme 3:Living in the Wider World (L)

Year group

Autumn term 1

Autumn term 2

Spring term 1

Spring term 2

Summer term 1

Summer term 2




New beginnings

& Citizenship 




Getting on and falling out


Say no to bullying B&H PSHE Team Anti bullying week


Mental Health & Wellbeing


B&H PSHE Team Mental Health & Wellbeing Lessons



Good to be me



  Loss Lessons.




Moving On



Family Diversity





Relationships, Sex & Health Education








Protective Behaviours 

 Feeling Good Feeling Safe


 Keeping Healthy & safe-




Year group

Autumn term 1

Autumn term 2

Spring term 1

Spring term 2

Summer term 1

Summer term 2

Year 1



New beginnings

& Citizenship 



Getting on and falling out



Say no to bullying - Anti bullying week


Good to be me




 Keeping Healthy & safe-



Changes  & Moving Forward




Mental Health & Wellbeing 

Online  Safety

(taught through Computing) 



Relationships, Sex & Health Education

including family diversity

B&H PSHE team RSE lessons




Money Management

( taught as part of maths)



Growing an anti -racist school 


Protective Behaviours

 Feeling Good Feeling Safe



Gypsy Roma Traveller education (GRT) B&H  PSHE Team  Kushti  Atchin Tan)



Year group

Autumn term 1

Autumn term 2

Spring Term 1

Spring term 2

Summer term 1

Summer term 2

Year 4

New beginnings


Rights and responsibilities in school, coping with new situations



school council



Getting on and falling out


Not losing your cool- regulating  your emotions and group work skills


Say no to bullying B&H PSHE Team Anti bullying week



Mental Health & Wellbeing

B&H PSHE Team Mental Health & Wellbeing Lessons

Exploring concepts of MH&WB, big feelings; 5 ways to well-being: Notice, including mindfulness





Good to be me

B&H GTBM Lessons

Focus on Identity and belonging – exploring race and ethnicity – challenging  prejudice




Relationships Exploring Loss and coping strategies.

B&H PSHE team  Loss &Bereavement


Changes &Moving Forward

Coping with unwanted changes, giving and asking for help


Going for goals

Identifying barriers, setting goals to overcome barriers, giving and accepting advice


Disability Equality Education


Nothing About Me Without Me Lessons


Online  Safety

(taught through Computing)



Money Management



B&H PSHE Team Poverty Proofing Lessons


Drugs &Alcohol Education -B&H PSHE Team Keeping Healthy & safe-

Healthy & unhealthy choices, Tobacco education




Global Citizenship

- challenging sterotypes



Protective Behaviours -

B&H PSHE Team Feeling Good Feeling Safe


Relationships, Sex & Health Education- how famileis grow and change/ puberty

B&H PSHE team RSE lessons



Year group

Autumn term 1

Autumn term 2

Spring term 1


Spring term 2

Summer term 1

Summer term 2

Year 5


New beginnings

Understanding how to learn well together and to compromise.

Coping with uncomfortable feelings.



Understanding the rule of law and

school council


Getting on and falling out

Appreciating friendships and trying not to demand too much. Taking responsibility, resolving conflicts peacefully.


Say no to bullying B&H PSHE Team Anti bullying week


Mental Health & Wellbeing

B&H PSHE Team Mental Health & Wellbeing Lessons

Exploring concepts of MH&WB, the ups and downs of mental health; sleep and bedtime routines;5 ways to well-being: active


Good to be me

B&H GTBM Lessons

Focus on Identity and belonging – exploring race and ethnicity – challenging  prejudice




B&H  PSHE Team  Kushti  Atchin Tan Gypsy Roma traveller education (GRT)



Changes & Moving Forward

 Common responses to change, feeling insecure and unconfident, recognising our ‘sore spots’


Going for goals Knowing the skills of a good learner and identifying areas for development in myself



B&H PSHE Team Like A Child lessons

Challenging  stereotypes


Online  Safety

(taught through Computing)


Money Management

 (taught as part of maths




Drugs &Alcohol Education- B&H PSHE Team Keeping Healthy & safe-

 Alcohol education & the influence of the media


Global Citizenship

B&H Team Anti-Racism Lessons


Protective Behaviours -

B&H PSHE Team Feeling Good Feeling Safe


Relationships, Sex & Health Education- Changes at puberty /Health & Hygiene 

B&H PSHE team RSE lessons



Year group

Autumn term 1

Autumn term 2

Spring term 1


Spring term 2

Summer term 1

Summer term 2

Year 6




New beginnings

Understanding responsibilities in school; managing anxiety and stress and calming down strategies.




Understanding the rule of law and

school council


Getting on and falling out

Differences as a barrier and the skills of working together, understanding the link between feeling s and behaviour, knowing my triggers and how to calm myself down


Say no to bullying B&H PSHE Team Anti bullying week


Mental Health & Wellbeing

B&H PSHE Team Mental Health & Wellbeing Lessons

Exploration of mental health; including depression and anxiety, coping strategies and when to get help

5 ways to well-being: notice , with a focus on gratitude




Good to be me

Good to be me

B&H GTBM Lessons

Focus on Identity and belonging – exploring race and ethnicity – challenging  prejudice


LBGT equality education

 B&H PSHE Team LGBT History & Equality Lessons 



B&H PSHE team  Loss &Bereavement Lessons

 Explore Loss and coping strategies.


Changes &Moving Forward

Moving On- coping with a change of school


Going for goals

Working toward long term goals, careers and aspirations, taking the first steps




B&H PSHE Team Refugee Education




Online  Safety

(taught through Computing) )  


Money Management

 (taught as part of maths)

Drugs &Alcohol Education- B&H PSHE Team Keeping Healthy & safe-

Legal & illegal drugs, peer pressure and getting help


Global Citizenship

Understanding & challenging Prejudice: Islamophobia lessons


Protective Behaviours

B&H PSHE Team Feeling Good Feeling Safe


RSHE-Puberty & reproduction 

B&H PSHE team RSE lessons


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