Year 6 Curriculum
Please take a look at our Year 6 half-termly overviews (below) to see a snapshot of what children are learning in each subject. If you would like to see our 'Whole School Curriculum Overview', click here. If you would like more information about our curriculum or require a paper copy, get in touch via our contacts page.
Autumn 1
Place Value
We recap on numbers up to a million
Can you write 49,012 in words?
Draw counters to represent 31,043
What is the value of the digit 2 in 52,301?
We explore negative numbers.
The temperature in Glasgow is −2℃. It increases by 6℃. What is the temperature now?
Four Operations
We recap adding and subtracting whole numbers with more than 4 digits using the column method.
There are 14,364 people at a football match. 3,301 of the crowd are children.
How many adults are there?
We are always working on our fluency!
100 ÷ 2 ÷ 5 =
We explore short division and long division.
Music - Developing Melodic Phrases
How does music bring us together?
Poetry: ‘It ain’t what you do it’s what it does to you’ by Simon Armitage. Write poem about what you DIDN'T do over the summer.
Biography: ‘Youthquake’ by Tom Adams (including Anne Frank). Write a biography about a young person who ‘shook the world’.
Suspense: ‘Number the stars’ by Louis Lowry. Write a passage using devices that conjure a feeling of suspense in the reader.
We are safe online - learn about online safety and be internet legends
Games Activities: Invasion Games - Football
Gymnastics - Floorwork and routine
Blitz black and white sketch (Henry Moore)
We’ll Meet Again!
Join Year 6 as we start our History topic on World War Two.
We shall be looking at this very important event on a local, national and international scale. What did World War Two mean to those living in Sussex?
Key historical questions
How were the lives of Sussex people affected by WW2?
How did the military protect Sussex from invasion?
How did the bombing affect our locality?
Were any shelters used locally?
What was ‘evacuation’? Did it happen in Sussex?
What local landmarks /sites played a part in WW2?
What was life like in Sussex during WW2?
What is propaganda?
How was it used in WW2?
What was war like for children in Germany, France and Holland?
How did the war affect the rest of the world?
Was it truly a ‘world’ war?
What is holiness to Jewish people?
New Beginnings& Pupil Voice
Mental Health & Well Being- strategies for managing anxiety
Autumn 2
We recap equivalent fractions. Equivalent means the same value or amount.
We add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions.
3 quarters + 3 quarters + 3 quarters =
Position & Direction
We look again at translations, reflections and co-ordinates.
We make maths games - decompose a game independently. Find solutions to programming challenges.
What are the differences between a secular and religious Christmas?
Getting on and falling out: growing friendship skills
Anti-Bullying Week
Money management.
Music - Understanding Structure & Form
How does music connect us with our past?
Suspense: complete our suspense writing inspired by Louis Lowry's ‘Number the stars’.
Poetry: ‘Lost words’ by Robert McFarlane. Write detailed acrostics about animals.
Waste Monsters: ‘Planet SOS’ by Marie G Rohde. Create a waste monster that explains a waste problem and provokes the reader to take positive action.
Geography Focus Locational Knowledge, map skills and fieldwork
Key questions for Geography
What are environmental regions?
What are topographical features?
How do topographical features change of time?
How can we use maps to find out about coastal areas?
Art and Design (DT)
Painting: ( based on Lost Words literacy text)
Whole School Seasonal project
Science Curriculum Focus
How do we light up the world?
Electricity and elctrical circuits
Key scientific questions
How do we light a bulb in an electrical circuit?
Can you make buzzer sound in a circuit?
What does a circuit diagram look like?
At School
Indoor athletics - Running, jumping, throwing and relay.
Games Activities: Invasion Games - Tag Rugby
Spring 1
We explore decimals with up to three decimal places.
2.674 = 2 ones + ___ tenths + ___ hundredths + ____ thousandths
We multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000.
42,000 ÷ 10 =
We explore equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.
30% of 350 =
We explore metric measures.
There are _____ grams in 1 kilogram.
There are _____ millimetres in 1 centimetre.
There are _____ centimetres in 1 metre.
There are _____ metres in 1 kilometre.
Dance - Partner and groupwork
Games Activities: Invasion Games - Hockey
How does the Triple Refuge help Buddhists in their journey through life?
Good to Be Me - identity
Genbder & LGBT+ Equality Education
Poetry: ‘Caged bird’ and ‘Life Doesn’t Frighten Me’ by Maya Angelou. Prepare a poem to be performed to the school. Write poems with a familiar theme and structure.
Fiction: ‘A house like no other’ by Alexandra Sheppard. Plan and write your own story about overcoming fear.
Music - Gaining Confidence Through Performance
How does music improve our world?
Could you be the next Crime Scene Investigator?
Enter the world of investigative science! Have you got the skills to be a CSI investigator
Key Scientific questions
How have scientists made use of changes to create materials to make our lives easier?
How are reversible and irreversible changes important to forensic scientists?
Could you solve a crime using forensic evidence?
More Science...
Classification, Evolution and Inheritance
We are 3-D designers
Use Sketch-up to design an art gallery building
Import your own art and hang it in your gallery
Spring 2
We explore area, perimeter & volume.
Complete the formula for calculating the area of a triangle.:
1/2 × Base × ________________
We begin to solve ratio and proportion problems.
The ratio of boys to girls in a class is 2:3 There are 10 boys in the class. How many girls are there?
We are podcasters - use Audacity to make a podcast and add sound effects
Formal and informal writing: ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar. In role as Stanley, write an informal letter home. In role as a parent, write a formal letter of complaint to Warden Walker.
Newspaper articles: Hero journalism Revisit the legends ‘Beowulf’ and ‘Theseus’ from prior year groups. Create news reports about key events.
How does the Triple Refuge help Buddhists in their jouney through life?
Keeping Healthy & Safe: Drugs Education
Growing an Anti-Racist School
Art and Design (DT)
Whole School Art Project
Whole School Book Week Project
Gymnastics - Big apparatus
Games Activities: Invasion Games - football
Classroom Objects
What's the Time?
Music - Exploring Notation Further
How does music teach us about our community?
Summer 1
Revision for SATS- reviewing main topics, problem solving and methods of calculation.
We read and interpret line graphs and we use them to solve problems. For example we could use a pint/litre conversion graph to solve this problem:
Tom has 4.5 litres of juice. Sam has 7 pints of juice. Who has more juice?
We recap on angles and we draw lines and angles accurately.
What is the size of the angle if it is a right angle?
Draw an angle of 25°
We are musicians 2 - revisit 'Linux MultiMedia Studio'. Create a piece of music for your podcast.
Geography Curriculum Focus
South American and Brazil
What are volcanoes and Earthquakes?
What is the ring of fire?
Where is South America?
What are human and physical features?
Where is Brazil?
What is the climate like in Brazil?
What are the main push/pull factors in Brazil?
What is meant by the geographical terms: urban and rural?
What do you think the statement: ‘a city of two halves’ means?
How do the lives of people in Brazil compare to lives of people in the UK?
Who are the Awa tribe and what are their lives like?
How and why has trade changed through time to become global?
What stages do manufactured goods go through on their journey from source to sale? (The global supply chain)
What is 'Fair Trade'?
How did Buddha teach his followers to find englightenment?
Relationships: Loss & Bereavement
Protective Behaviours: Feeling Good Feeling Safe
Survival stories - ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell. Build a shelter and include it in a survival story.
Explanation – ‘Survival for Beginners’ by Colin Towell. Explain how to build a shelter and include the features identified in published survival texts.
Music - Using Chords and Structure
How does music shape our way of life?
Athletics - Withdean trials and preparation
Games Activities: Striking and Fielding - cricket
Summer 2
Food and Drink
Enjoy Your Meal!
Consolidation of skills
Maths projects designed to explore
maths in real-life contexts, allowing children to see how important maths is in all aspects of life.
Pick a dream holiday destination and create a climate graph to show the temperature and rainfall in your chosen country/city.
STEM project: 'Buggy Challenge! Send code from a computer to a microcontroller on baord a buggy and beat the challenges.
Year 6 Legacy Project
Poetry - 'Beachcomber' by George Mackay Brown. Write a poem inspired by the place where you live.
Y7 Transition Unit - ‘A Good Weekend’ by Theresa Lola. Create a poem about your ideal weekend to share with Year 7 teachers.
Non-fiction: ‘The Animal Awards’ by Martin Jenkins. Create a new animal awards page using knowledge from science sessions.
Swimming - (to 25m)
Games Activities: Net wall games - Stool Ball/Tennis
Orienteering (Enrichment)
How does Tawhid create a sense of community amongst Muslims?
Changes & Moving on: Preparing for Y7
RSE: Puberty & reproduction
History Curriculum Focus
Why was the Islamic civilization around 900 AD/CE known as the ‘Golden Age of Islam’?
What is everyday life like in Baghdad?
What is the House of Wisdom and why is it important?
Why was travelling difficult at this time?
Who was Ibn Battuta and how did his Rihla help us?
Who was Al-Zahrawi and what could we learn from Muslim medicine?
What are the legacies and impact of the early Islamic civilisation on life then and now?
Music - Respecting Each Other through Composition
How does music connect us with the environment?