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Year 4 Reading Curriculum

What is my child’s experience of reading in Year 4?

In Year 4, children share exciting books together during whole class guided reading. Texts include ‘Varjak Paw’ by S.F. Said and ‘Varmints’ by Helen Ward. While the class share each book, they also develop their reading inference skills (reading beyond the literal meaning of the words). Children continue to keep reading journals in which they reflect on their reading and carry out activities inspired by the book they are exploring. Children are also given time to visit the class library and the school library; read books of their own choice; keep a reading log of the books they have read.

Unique to Year 4... is that children read information leaflets and texts about our local area. If you see any good examples, please bring them in for our class collection. We are particularly interested in leaflets and posters about local attractions, viewing towers and adventure parks.

All children:

  • are frequently read to by the class teacher;
  • experience high quality books during whole class guided reading;
  • regularly read aloud to a reading partner or an adult during guided reading;
  • keep a reading journal;
  • visit the school library regularly;
  • can take a book form the class library and the school library;
  • keep a log of all the books they read at home and at school.

Phonics interventions:

  • Just like in Year 3, there are no daily whole class phonics sessions. The teacher, supported by other school adults, will lead a phonics intervention for children who need to consolidate their learning from previous years.
  • Children who are consolidating Bug Club units 1 to 11 take part in a phonics intervention and continue to have 1:1 reading with an adult using books appropriate to their Bug Club level.
  • Children still not secure up to unit 27 continue to use Bug Club phonics packs and Bug Club Guided Reading sets. These can then be supplemented using colour banded reading sets from turquoise and above. These children should continue to access to the Bug Club e-books at home and school.
  • Children taking part in interventions continue to keep a reading diary.

What can I do to support my child with reading in Year 4?

Please continue to read aloud to your child and do ‘turn-taking’ at bedtime – this is not just for younger children! Give your child space and time to read alone. Have fun learning the meaning of unfamiliar words that you spot and try them out in new sentences. If you feel confident, read difficult texts to your child, and allow them the chance to listen and ask questions.

Useful questions to ask:

  • What do you think the author wants readers to remember most from this book?
  • Can you see any subheadings in this text? Why are they used? How is this book organised?
  • How is (this book) similar to (another book you have read)?
  • Were there any words you didn’t quite understand? The word ___ means ___; In a sentence it’s ___.

What quality books do we use in our Reading Curriculum?

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