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Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Children develop their personal, social and emotional skills throughout the year through PSHE lessons, circle times, social stories, EMAS support, carefully chosen stories and individual support, as necessary.

Early Learning Goals

Self-Regulation: Show an understanding of their own feelings and those of others, and begin to regulate their behaviour accordingly. Set and work towards simple goals, being able to wait for what they want and control their immediate impulses when appropriate. Give focused attention to what the teacher says, responding appropriately even when engaged in activity, and show an ability.

Managing Self: Be confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge. Explain the reasons for rules, know right from wrong and try to behave accordingly. Manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs, including dressing, going to the toilet and understanding the importance of healthy food choices.

Building Relationships: Work and play cooperatively and take turns with others. Form positive attachments to adults and friendships with peers. Show sensitivity to their own and to others’ needs.

Autumn term

Autumn 1 Autumn 2


Getting to know you, New beginnings and Family diversity, Science – Can we fix it? Autumn

Enrichment activities

Drama Workshop, Teddy Bear Hospital                         


Who am I? – personal timelines, Diwali, Christmas, Remembrance Day , Bonfire Night, Anti-bullying week

Enrichment activities

Toys – visiting year 1 toy museum, 

Nativity Performance, Christmas lunch


Children will be able to follow one step instructions.

Children will recognise different emotions.

Children will focus during short whole class activities.


Children will talk about how they are feeling and to consider others feelings.

Managing Self

Children will learn to wash their hands independently.

Learn to manage own belongings

Learn to put on/take off and fasten own coat.

Learning to use cutlery.

Children will know the routines of the school day.

Managing Self

Children will understand the need to have rules.

Children can use scientific words to name their body parts.

Building Relationships

Children will seek support from adults and gain confidence to speak to peers and adults.

Building Relationships

Children will begin to develop friendships.

Children will be able to use taught phrases to manage disagreements.


New beginnings

Family Diversity – who cares for me?


Getting on and falling out – say no to bullying

RSE –growing and caring for ourselves

Spring term

Spring 1 Spring 2


Who has feathers and who has fur?

The differences between animals and humans

Our senses

Valentine’s Day    

Chinese New Year

Enrichment activities

Chinese New Year Parade

Animal Cam/ Virtual Zoo Trip



Whole school art focus

Pancake Day            



International Women’s Day

Enrichment activities

World Book Day

Teddy Bear sleep over

Teddy Bear’s picnic


Children will be able to focus during longer whole class lessons.

Children are able to identify and name feelings.


Children will identify and moderate their own feelings socially and emotionally.

Managing Self

Children will begin to show resilience and perseverance in the face of a challenge.

Managing Self

Children will develop independence when dressing and undressing.

Building Relationships

Children will be able to use taught strategies to support in turn taking.

Building Relationships

Children will listen to the ideas of other children and agree on a solution and compromise.


Mental Health and Wellbeing – naming feelings


Money Management


Good to be me

Global Education – My local community

Summer term

Summer 1 Summer 2


How does your garden grow?

Enrichment activities

Growing flowers (sunflowers, daisies)

Vegetable Patch

Cress Heads

Trip to Blatchington Windmill

Performance – our class assembly



Around our school.  Where will we go and how will we get there?

Enrichment activities

Trip to the i360

Creating the Gruffalo Recipe Book


Children will be able to control their emotions using a range of techniques.


Children will be able to follow instructions of three steps or more.

Managing Self

Children will manage their own basic needs independently.

Children will learn to dress themselves independently.

Children know about safe touch.

Managing Self

Children will show a ‘can do’ attitude.

Children will understand the importance of healthy food choices.

Building Relationships

Children will learn to work as a group.

Building Relationships

Children will have the confidence to communicate with adults around the school.



Protective Behaviours – Feeling Good Feeling Safe


Keeping healthy and safe

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